Wealth and money is a really interesting subject. In today’s society, when we admit we want more money, we’re seen as greedy yet we’re only considered successful if we have it. Then when we share we don’t have a lot of money we are all the sudden considered lazy and unmotivated. We know we need money to buy necessities and like, I don’t know, survive? But wait… we’re also not supposed to talk about money to other people because it’s rude. No matter which way you look at it, it’s a lose-lose situation.
The reality is that wealth means something a little different to all of us. Some of us strive to be money-rich while some of us strive to be lifestyle-rich and have the freedom to spend more time with family or travel the world. Whether it’s truly money wealth or just lifestyle and time wealth you are searching for (or both!), whatever wealth means to you, we can all do our best to incorporate these ten things into our daily lives.
1. Take Action
Think progress, not perfection. There’s never really a perfect time for anything so from today forward, so stop waiting and start doing. When wealth people learn something new from a book, a podcast, wherever, they implement that into their lives right away. A little progress each day adds up to big results so just start, the how will fall into place.
2. Abundance Over Scarcity
I can’t begin to explain how important it is to have a wealthy mindset. You need to believe that you can be wealthy and you need to dream bigger than you are right now. Just like Tinkerbell, enough belief in something will make it to happen.
If you are constantly telling yourself you’ll never be able to afford something or you’ll never be able to save money, you most likely won’t. But if you tell yourself you’re going to save up for that beach vacation no matter what, you are sure as hell going to find a way to do it and make it happen. Your mindset is so powerful so use it to your advantage rather than letting it hinder your potential.
3. Take Risks
I heard a quote last week that really spoke to me: “The fears we don’t face become our limits.” Growth happens when you’re outside of your comfort zone so put yourself out there and see what opportunities arise. Wealthy people take calculated risks and understand the benefit and the associated downside of taking chances in their life and businesses. I have always hated when people told me to trust my gut in the past but it’s true. You have to have a little faith and go for it!
4. Pay Yourself First
You have got to start saving money before you spend it rather than saving whatever is leftover at the end of the month. Chances are, you’ll find a way to spend it all somewhere. Save a little bit for yourself first.
5. Invest In Yourself
Invest in yourself. Take a second. What does that mean to you?
I read books and listen to podcasts to learn more about things that interest me. I exercise regularly and try to get 8 hours of sleep every night. I am investing in my education, my happiness and my future. By continuing on to higher education, I will ultimately be able to work in a stable, fulfilling and high-paying job where I will get the opportunity to help others every single day.
What makes you happy to get up in the morning? Where does your mind wander when you’re not doing anything at all? Follow that passion, believe you can do it and invest in yourself.
6. Invest Your Money
Saving is important, but at some point, you need to start investing money. These savings will grow exponentially over time and the younger you start, the less you’ll have to put away over time because of compounding interest.
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7. Take Responsibility
Start taking more responsibility for your own actions. Celebrate the heck out of your successes and do your best to learn from your mistakes. Wealthy people learn from their failures and grow stronger because of them.
8. Stop Comparing Yourself To Others
Just because someone looks rich, doesn’t mean that they actually are. You have no idea who you are comparing yourself against unless you truly are their financial planner, which I’m guessing you aren’t.
Jeff Bezos is literally the richest person in the world and for the longest time was still driving his old Honda Accord. If his face wasn’t plastered around the internet, we wouldn’t know any better than to think he was just your average Joe, middle-class citizen. Okay yes, I realize he does have a private jet but you see what I’m saying here.
The neighbour to your left who drives around in a fancy car might be hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt while the neighbour to your right might be a millionaire driving around in his Honda. You simply have no idea what you’re comparing yourself to unless you’re looking at their banking statements. Even then, why are you comparing yourself to them? You might value completely different things and be working towards completely different goals.
Whenever you catch yourself comparing yourself to someone else, think of it like comparing yourself to Jeff Bezos. That’s just ridiculous. Do you feel bad for not having a private jet just because Jeff Bezos does? Probably not.
9. Surround Yourself With INSPIRING People
Surround yourself with people that inspire you and make you a happier person. Maybe the people in your circle will share some of the same values as you do or at least they can show that they respect your values. Think about your five closest friends. Do they have an impact on you? Do you motivate and support each other? Do you share your life goals with each other or is it just surface level crap? Who is there to bring the best out of you and make you feel like you can conquer the world? Appreciate these people and try to be there for them in the same way.
The people you surround yourself with should not have a negative influence on you. You’re allowed to unfollow people on social media that make you feel unworthy. Instead, follow people that you can learn from. Follow people that build you up and make you feel confident about who you are and who you want to be. People grow apart and it’s okay to cut people out of your life that don’t make you feel good about being you or the path you’re taking.
10. Value Your Time
You have the right to say no! You’ve heard it before and I’ll tell you again, time is money. You can always get more money but you can’t get more time. Spend your time wisely doing things you love with people you care about.
“Depending on whom you ask, time is money, time is love, time is work, time is play, time is enjoying friends, time is raising children, and time is much more. Time is what you make of it.”
Disclaimer: I am not a certified financial planner or investment advisor. The ideas posted on this website are my own opinions on how I manage my personal finances. The content is specifically for educational and informational purposes and is not considered professional financial advice.
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