By Alix Logan
Ever since I can remember, people have always praised me on my organizational skills. It’s honestly quite nice to have that quality recognized by others but I’m sure many of you wonder how I’m able to take on so much. In high school I worked two part time jobs, danced competitively, played soccer, graduated with honours and somehow always seemed to have the time to hangout with friends. Now, I:
am in pharmacy school full-time
work part-time on weekends as a pharmacy tech
manage two instagram accounts for local businesses
run the Simply Personal Finance blog and instagram @simplypersonalfinance
So how do I have time for it all? Here are my top productivity tips for juggling your lifestyle all while side hustling and working full-time (or going to school like me!).
1. Start Time Blocking & Stop Multi-tasking
For me, this is essential. I have started time blocking using Google Calendar and it has been life changing.
It was just a few months ago when I started this whole blog and side hustle thing where I felt like I never had the time to finish anything. I was in a constant state of anxiety always thinking about how much work still needed to be done. I would start a task, get distracted or overwhelmed, move onto the next and suddenly, I would have 5 different tasks on the go. I never felt accomplished at the end of the day.
While I will admit I’m still working on my tendency to work on too many tasks at once, time blocking has definitely helped me stay realistic with how much I can take on. What has worked for me is really breaking tasks down and setting goals and deadlines. As an example, I schedule 30 minute periods to engage on Instagram and then a few hours to write blog posts or to study for school.
Over the past few months, I’ve found my mind works better when I write in the morning so I make sure to allocate time to write early on in the day. Another tip I have is to be sure to schedule in some time to reply to emails or make phone calls as these small tasks still take time out of your day. Break down your tasks and don’t be afraid to move things around as you learn more about what does and what doesn’t work for you in your schedule.
2. Schedule Breaks
We can only focus on one task for so long before our minds go to mush. Even on a busy day, take 5 minutes to get up and stretch your legs every 90 minutes or so. Drink some water, reset and get back to it.
There are countless days I don’t take the time to exercise or even eat lunch because I haven’t scheduled it in. Give yourself that 30 minutes or one hour of mental down time during the day to walk away from the screen and do absolutely anything else. Watch a funny video on YouTube, get outside or call a friend!
If you’re working/studying everyday like me, you should also make sure to write down any plans you make so you don’t accidentally forget. Are you going out for brunch with friends on Sunday? Make sure to add that into your calendar so you don’t accidentally schedule any work during that time or just forget and not show up. Work when you need to and let yourself disconnect when you’re off the clock. Self care and down time is important!
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3. Make A List Of Priorities
Write it down. Lists are key to staying organized and when you’re juggling multiple jobs, good organization is really critical. For each job, the last thing you should do before the end of the work day is create a list of to-do’s for the next day. I prefer to use a really cute & pretty physical journal or agenda but if you’d rather write down your to-do’s in your phone notes, that’s up to you, just be sure to write it down.
Your list should have:
MUSTS: things that absolutely need to get done.
RESOURCES: what resources do you need to make sure that your musts are completed? Make sure you leave enough time to gather your resources and get the job done!
WOULD BE NICE: it’s not the end of the world if this doesn’t get done but it would sure be nice if there’s extra time.
While you’re making your priority list, it’s a good time to reflect on your daily tasks and ask yourself: “Is this really necessary?” Plus, actually writing down your tasks and physically checking them off will not only help you stay on track but it will help you feel more accomplished at the end of each day.
4. Stay Focused
Now that you’ve scheduled out all of your work for the day, you can easily focus on the task at hand with peace of mind knowing that there will be enough time for everything to get done. There’s no need to worry about the next task because you’ve already blocked time for it. Stay focused on what you’re doing in the moment.
Get rid of your distractions too! Trying to write a blog post or work from home while having Netflix on in the background seems like a great idea but it really isn’t the best use of your time. Believe me, I’ve learned this the hard way. If you’ve schedule time to work, just focus on the work. I promise you, you’ll finish the task so much faster without any distractions. Leave Netflix time for later when you can actually enjoy it.
5. Have A Productive Mindset
Your mindset is so powerful. If you wake up telling yourself you’re going to have a bad day, you probably will. Once in a blue moon you will have one of those crappy day where you just need to throw in the towel and try again the next day. However, more often than not, there’s no need to waste an entire day. You just need to reset your mindset.
Take a moment. Tell yourself you’re going to rock this task. It seems silly even writing this down but your mindset can honestly make or break a productive day. Make a great breakfast, pour yourself a coffee and tell yourself you’ve got this. Practicing mindfulness will help you lower your stress and anxiety and help you have a happier and more productive work day.
Incorporating even one of these five tips will help boost your productivity. If you can master all five, oh the places you’ll go!
“You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.”
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